Monday 2 February 2015

Fourth Boss


  New more girl again :)  Just finish design her.  She is the fourth boss (when I finished draw her I realize that she look like some kind of final boss XD)  She is Elementalist and I plan more than 15+ attack types for her.  Maybe she has the highest number of attack types in the game.  And her main problem for her are make her magic attack effect.

  For this week;  maybe you can't expect much progress from me in this week.  I will get some extra office work so I have to work overtime everyday. And maybe work on next Saturday and Sunday.  This week will be my busy week for sure T_T


  1. Wow you are improving as i see. Or am I just mistaken?

  2. I don't know. I can't judge it by my own :P

  3. Do you have some beta testers? I don't want to sound rude but i found many buggs which hurts this game.

  4. No for now because I still not make stage 3. All I work now is only making enemies and will put it to stage later. I still don't want to release too much stages to public. But maybe release stage 3 and 4 if I finished (4 of 8 stages 50% of gameplay) I think it enough for test bug.
