Wednesday, 26 January 2022

New Game Demo : Isekai Lost in Harem!


       Hi everyone, looooooooooooooong time on see. Today I want to introduce my new game "Isekai Lost in Harem". It's an action beat'em up with 1st person view. I finished with the 1st chapter and game system. You can view more info and download game demo here : Page - Isekai Lost in Harem.


  1. When can we expect a release?

    1. That really hard to estimate. 2nd half of 2023 - 2024?

    2. okay, then I have some feedback.
      1-the map in 1-3 is too large. this is especially a problem because
      2-the encounter rate in 1-3 is too high. I was getting an enemy encounter every 3-4 steps, which got extremely annoying extremely quickly. for a few reasons. One of which was
      3-the constant need to swap weapons for ranged enemies. This was tedious and eventually I relied only on parries to fight enemies because I didn't have to swap.
      4-you need a run from battle fight. 1-3 would have been way more tolerable if you were able to escape fights so you didn't have to fight the same enemies over and over.

    3. Thank you for your comment :D
      2- You will encounter every 18-25 steps. But if explore every part of the map will encounter enemies 10+ times, will test and adjust it.
      4- Will add a way to escape the fight

    4. Glad to know you'll be implementing updates. At first I wasn't sure how soon it was to release, so I was waiting to give feedback, but I am glad you are able to adjust things.

      I would also consider making more of the tiles visible. I ended up exploring the entire thing in 1-3 because I missed the spot there you were supposed to exit.

  2. Great demo! Love your work man, agree with the other poster that less encounters/a run button on the map level would be nice. Looking forward to this game!

    1. Glad you like it. Will change and test the encounter rate and a way to escape battle.
